
Friday, January 30, 2015

Coffee: Better than Sunscreen?

Well, not exactly, but who would have thought that the steamy beverage you sip every morning before class has the power to prevent skin cancer? That's right: according to new research published by the National Cancer Institute, people who drank at least four cups of java a day showed a 20% decrease in their likelihood of developing melanoma. 

What is melanoma exactly? Melanoma is an aggressive form of skin cancer that surfaces when the DNA inside your skin cells is damaged. This damage is often caused by excessive UV radiation exposure—think beach-bumming and tanning beds. The DNA transformations cause these cells to proliferate and spread, resulting in the symptoms characteristic of skin caner.

So, in addition to daily SCREEN application, be sure sip a Starbucks. Really, it's in your skin's best interest. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Guinea Pigging: New GR8SKN Products

My skin hasn't been in the best shape lately. I can blame the stress of graduate school (thesis anyone?) or fluctuating hormones—yes, even at 26. Whatever the cause—or my age—my pocked jaw-line looks like it belongs on the pages of a high school year book rather than on a twenty-something supposedly out of the Woods of Puberty.

However, when I came to work yesterday, Janine, the founder and president of GR8SKN, had the solution waiting for me—in three un-labeled, right-out-of-R&D bottles.

"These are our new products, fresh from the lab," she said. "A pre-cleansing oil, a peel, and a mask."

With clear directions, she sent me on my way.

When I met my boyfriend at the train station later that evening, he told me about his day, the highlight of which was a "back facial." (I am lucky to have a guy who invests in personal grooming.) 

"At the end, the aesthetician put on this thing that really burned--and I have a high pain tolerance," he explained, emphasizing his masculine ability to withstand pain to perhaps mitigate latent guilt of going to a salon. "It's supposed to make my skin peel off."

Oh great, I thought to myself. Not only did I now have a molting reptile for a boyfriend, I had to undergo the same treatment myself.

Before bed that night, I procrastinated applying the peel. I meticulously massaged the oil into every crevice of my face, before rinsing with Clean. But I couldn't delay any longer.

The peel certainly tingled when I rubbed the clear serum onto my face, but it wasn't intolerable. The sensation began to subside as the peel hardened. After five minutes or so, I washed it off, applied the mask and went to bed, imagining a flawless, magazine-ready complexion in the morning.

My expectations might have been a little ambitious, but my skin definitely showed improvement. Those jaw-line breakouts, while not invisible, had noticeably shrunk and my whole face felt smoother, cleaner.

I plan to "peel" again next week and will report back with results. Until then, fingers crossed that no signs of reptilian skin symptoms manifest...

Friday, January 16, 2015

We are "Pro" Biotics.

Here at GR8SKN, we've been singing the praises of bacteria for quite a while, but recent research supports us! In 2013, a Japanese team found that, when a group of young women consumed probiotics once a day, their skin showed "beneficial" results. Specifically, the researchers reported that the microbes increased the efficacy of the skin's barrier function—you know, the thing that keeps out bad bacteria.

According to the study, "probiotics" are defined as living bacteria that provide some sort of health benefit. Most people associate them with digestive health. "Oh you just had the stomach flu? You should eat some yogurt." In Japan, these microbial superheroes are consumed routinely—in the country's vast supply of fermented milk products.

So is this the end of skincare products? Well, not exactly. Probiotics are helpful, but they can't do everything. You'll still want to select a cleanser that matches of pH of your skin, a toner that tightens pores, and a light, non-clogging moisturizer.

Friday, January 9, 2015

New Marketing!

While we wait for some hi-res photos for our spa marketing, we've decided to create a temporary poster using Photoshop and Illustrator.

We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Friday, January 2, 2015

5 New Year's Skincare Resolutions

New Years resolutions don't always have to involve killer cardio workouts or ice-cream deprivation. This year, we've collected some of the best—and easiest—resolutions to keep your skin sparkling well into the new year.

1.) Wash your face twice a day—ideally with a cleanser that matches the pH of your skin, like CLEAN.

2.) Don't pick those zits! It might be tempting to press and pop, but this year, promise yourself that your face will be "hands free."

3.) Cleanse after workouts. (Ok, maybe this one implies another resolution, but a little exercise never hurt anyone!)

4.) For ladies: Stop going to sleep with your makeup on. Waking up looking like a raccoon is the least of your worries; makeup can clog pores and worsen acne.

5.) Drink water. Sure, this resolution has other hydration benefits, but it is crucial to skin health.