
Saturday, December 27, 2014

3 Keys to Successful Resolutions

With 2015 rapidly approaching, many of us are starting to ponder resolution ideas:

"Do Fifty Jumping Jacks Every Day."
"Eat Only Kale and Salmon."
Or the most excruciating: "Quit Facebook."

But resolutions shouldn't be painful; they should excite you. So how do you cultivate that excitement? How do you make that salad look more appealing than a gooey order of nachos or a bacon ranch burger?

First, make the resolution manageable. Nothing feels worse than failing on week one. If it's too hard to, say, give up sugar, give up your favorite candy instead. Still too difficult to part with Kit-Kat for a year? Try reducing the amount of sugar you dump into your morning coffee by half.

Second, set your sights on the outcome, rather than the path. Instead of thinking, "I must go to the gym three times a week," think, "I'm going to carve out some killer biceps."

Third, reward yourself along the way. For every month you manage to avoid dropping the "f bomb" treat yourself. Whether it's watching an episode of your favorite show or going out for sushi, be sure to acknowledge small victories.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Cyborg Skin: Scientists Create First Functional Electronic Skin

One of the many functions of our skin is to detect pressure. Someone digging a knife into your hand? Probably a good idea to pull it away. Feel that glass of ice-cold lemonade slipping through your fingers? Tighten your grip! Up until recently this ability to feel pressure changes was unique to our own, biological skin. However, scientists have recently developed an electronic skin prototype—that can do the same thing.

Not only can this innovative "electronic skin" detect pressure, it can also determine from what direction that pressure is coming. This information is valuable, says Dr. Hyunhyub Ko, because it can help our bodies determine how to manipulate objects and react to stimuli.

But why, you might ask, do we need artificial skin to do exactly what our natural covering already does? Engineers hope to use this technology to make prosthetics more realistic—and more usable.

Source: American Chemical Society. "New 'electronic skin' for prosthetics, robotics detects pressure from different directions." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 10 December 2014. <>.

Friday, December 12, 2014

3 Holiday Skincare Tips

As much as we all enjoy hot chocolate season, it is easy to feel as over-worked as an elf on Christmas Eve. What, with gift-buying, party-prepping, and present-wrapping, it's not surprising that your skin sometimes takes a turn for the worse come December first. Follow our Top Three Skin Survival Tips to help get your complexion through the holiday season relatively unscathed.

1.) The Catch 22: As stress levels rise, acne often increases. Unfortunately, some anti-acne products—especially those containing benzoyl peroxide—dry out your skin in the process. Since the cold weather has a tendency to do this anyway, be sure to apply an effective moisturizer like HYDRATE twice daily.

2.) Don't OD: Don't overdose—on sugar, that is! With cookies, gingerbread houses, and candy canes cropping up at ever school event and cocktail party, it's easy to over-indulge. But excessive sugar consumption can aggravate acne-prone skin. Don't deprive yourself of festive treats, but consume with caution!

3.) Guzzle that H20: When temps plummet, a tall glass of icy water is not exactly appealing. Unfortunately, it is crucial to stay hydrated during the winter months. If you just can't stomach an arctic beverage, leave your water pitcher on the counter so it comes to room temperature.

Friday, December 5, 2014

5 Best Skincare Tips

1.) Cleanse Properly!
This is the number one, biggest, dermatological faux-pas! Clear skin does not start with harsh anti-acne treatments, but with washing. Start with a pre-cleansing oil. Then remove a day's worth of dirt and oil with a gentle cleanser like CLEAN. Rinse with warm water.

2.) Don't Pick! 
We know it's tempting, but try to resist the urge to pop that ugly monster on your chin. Inevitably this will only worsen the problem—and possibly lead to scarring.

3.) Protect Against Sun Damage:
Sure, you might want to rock a tan in your twenties, but you'll regret baking all day when you have to live with the repercussions ten years from now: wrinkles, thickening skin, sun spots, and a predisposition to skin cancer. Use an non-clogging physical block like SCREEN as a precaution. Think of it as a dermatological investment in your future.

4.) Know When to Wash:
Washing at the correct time is almost as important as washing the correct way. Be sure to shower and cleanse after sweaty, pore-clogging sports and after wearing make-up.

5. Feed Your Skin: 
Pay just as much attention to your skin's diet as you do to your own. Use a multivitamin cream—like HYDRATE—to nourish on a daily basis.