
Friday, November 28, 2014

5 Reasons to be Thankful for Your Skin

1.) It's a Biological Force Field: No, we're not talking Star Wars. Your skin's most important superpower is its ability to protect your body from external enemies: UV radiation from the sun, armies of bacteria trying to make you sick, and mechanical stressors like scrapes and scratches.

2.) It's a Sponge: Because the skin absorbs up to 60% of the substances applied to it, it is a key contributor to hydration; it absorbs moisture. (Be sure to lock in that H20 with a topical lotion like HYDRATE!)

3.) It's a Garbage Disposal: We try to hide it everyday--with deodorant, perfume, and cologne--but your skin excretes smelly odors. It also tries to rid itself of pollutants by pushing them to the surface. Unfortunately, this process also leads to breaks-outs. Try helping your skin out with a spot-treatment like CLEAR.

4.) It's Your Largest Organ: From surface area alone--on average, 20 square feet--you should be thanking your skin more than any other organ in your body! (Source: WebMD).

5.) It's Like a Biological "Snuggie": You may not be covered in fuzzy polar fleece, by your skin helps maintain body temperature. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Style with Care: Three Skin-Harming Hair Products to Avoid

It's nice to think that good skincare stops with the products you apply directly to your face, but this isn't the case. As your body's largest organ, the skin absorbs up to 60% of substances applied to it—which means that you need to be mindful of products besides facial cleansers and moisturizes. Today, we've collected some of the worst offenders in the hair product category. Style at your own risk!

Clairol Herbal Essences Naked Sheer Shine Mist: This product, which promises to give you the kind of shine only seen on TV commercials, also contains a number of mint oils. Although these might give it a pleasant smell, they also irritate your scalp.

TRESemme ColorThrive Brunette Shampoo: In addition to reviewers claiming that this product did little to preserve the color of their precious locks, customers also reported excessively itchy scalps after washing.

Head & Shoulders Classic Clean Dandruff Shampoo: Even though this shampoo is designed to combat dry skin, it contains a troubling ingredient: the detergent, Sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS). Compounds in this family can actually increase dryness. So much for dandruff relief!

So next time you're shopping for shampoo, conditioner, or styling products, be sure to read labels--and reviews--before making your purchase!

Friday, November 14, 2014

5 Best Drinks for Your Skin

1.) Water! This seems obvious, but most of us don't get the recommended eight glasses-a-day. Not only does dehydration put you at risk for digestive issues and light-headedness, it also contributes to dry skin. Even if you apply a moisturizer—like HYDRATE—on the outside, be sure to work from the other direction, too: from the inside-out!

2.) Green Tea: We always knew that this calming drink came with the extra benefit of antioxidants, but new research from the Journal of Nutrition indicates that it may also act as a liquid sunscreen. No, we don't advise bathing in it; however, studies showed that women who consumed at least 4 cups a day had a 25% decrease in sunburn. Of course, we still recommend a topical product, like SCREEN, for complete protection. (We promise, it smells just as good as green tea!)

3.) Smoothies—But not just any smoothie! You'll want to avoid those with excess sugar. Opt for blends of fruits and vegetables instead. Looking for some ideal ingredients? Berries and kale have high anti-oxidant levels and are known to improve skin elasticity—Forestall those wrinkles as long as possible! Plus, the natural sweetness of blueberries and strawberries offset the bitter—but worthwhile!—flavor of kale.

4.) Black Tea: Like its cousin, green tea, this steamy drink nourishes skin by delivering hearty doses of vitamins B, C, and E. When you're finished steeping, don't toss the tea bag! Use it as a warm compress to reduce eye-puffiness after late-night studying—or celebrating.

5.) Coconut Water: Whether you're sipping Vita Coco or Zico, you are hydrating your body—and your skin—with a powerful blend of nutrients (including Lauric Acid, which helps with skin renewal). This is also a great option for electrolyte replenishment after sports events.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Itching for Autumn

Over the summer, I rarely needed to moisturize, but now that fall has come—with winter on the way—I'm starting to feel the beginnings of what I like to call "crocodile syndrome." You've probably noticed it on yourself. It starts on your knuckles and creeps slowly up to your elbows. By mid-January, you are more reptile than human.

But why does this happen specifically during the colder weather? Part of it is natural; as the temperature drops, so does the amount of moisture in the air. However, the other factor results from our own cold-weather behaviors. Temperature dip? Turn up the thermostat! Unfortunately, this leeches the remaining moisture from the air and worsens the problem. Hot shower to thaw after a day of raking leaves? Similar result; the hot water removes important water-locking oils from your skin.

We've identified the problem, but what's the solution? First, you could purchase a humidifier to reintroduce some moisture back into the air. Quicker fix? Moisturize right after showering (in warm—not hot—water). HYDRATE is a great option to keep your facial skin supple because it won't clog pores.