
Friday, June 5, 2015

Top Tips for a Clean Shave

Not to worry: we're not basing our shaving advice on Sweeney Todd. In fact, we hope to avoid all manner of blood and gore in our technique. But to be perfectly honest, many people do not know how to shave properly—and wonder why they end up with faces dinged more than the bumper of a 1998 Toyota. They buy expensive, multi-blade razors that promise baby-soft skin and, if we believe the commercials, a physique worthy of a GQ cover. Today, we're going to set you straight and help dispel any shaving misconceptions that might be floating around.

1.) Super-Soak It
Dampen those prickles before even picking up your razor. A soft hair is much easier to trim than a bone-dry cactus spike. Consider using a facial cleanser like Clean to speed up the process.

2.) Slow and Steady
It might not win you a race, but it certainly will prevent cuts and eventual scarring. Wake up ten minutes earlier if you're worried about being late for class.

3.) Stay Single
Believe it or not, a single-blade razor is the way to go, as it is less likely to get clogged and snag on hairs.

4.) No U-Turns
Remember to shave in one direction—preferably not "against the grain." This should help prevent those dreaded razor bumps.

Keep and eye on our Facebook page for more tips next week.

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