
Friday, March 27, 2015

The Many Faces of Acne

The word "acne" usually evokes a certain image. Whether you call it "pizza face" or something even more insulting, you're probably imagining something like this:
In reality, however, acne takes many forms.

1. Non-Inflamed: Don't get lulled into a false sense of security; "non-inflamed" doesn't translate to "non-problematic." It includes

Whiteheads: trapped sebum under the skin

Blackheads: open pores to the surface; sebum oxidizes and darkens.

2. Inflammatory Acne: This is where the "sauce" of that pizza face comes in; expect redness.

Papule: Occurs when the follicle wall breaks. White blood cells rush in and inflammation occurs.

Pustule: A pustule forms a few days after a papule. This is the classic zit.

Cyst: This is when the pustule collapses or explodes, severely inflaming the surrounding skin; may engulf a neighboring follicle. This causes a large, pus-filled lesion called a cyst.

Nodule: When a follicle ruptures along the bottom, a large inflamed bump occurs that is sore to the touch.

These are just the most common forms of acne. Stop by next week to learn about the lesser-known varieties.

*While GR8/SKN products aren't formulated as "acne treatments," they are effective at minimizing risk, treating lesions, and reducing scarring. Check out the line here!

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