
Friday, June 20, 2014

Coffee: Drug in a Mug?

We're taking a little break from skin-health today to talk about breakfast's favorite side-kick. 

Whatever your preference—Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, or Keurig—there is a good chance that coffee plays a major role in your morning routine. If you're anything like me, it goes something like this: roll out of bed, turn on Mr. Coffee, and down at least two cups of caffeinated ecstasy before even thinking about starting the day.

But there is a lot of information out there about coffee—some myth and some fact.

1.) Coffee keeps you awake.

Fact: Caffeine affects the central nervous system and can induce anxiety and restlessness. Of course, effects vary; some people can guzzle a mug at night and be snoozing ten minutes later.

2.) Decaffeinated coffee has no caffeine.
Myth: Decaf coffee usually has around 5mg of caffeine in it. (This is considerably less than the amount in brewed coffee: usually around 180mg.)

3.) Coffee is bad for you.
It's Complicated: Studies show that there are some benefits to regular coffee consumption: it can help prevent Alzheimer's and dementia—not that you're likely worrying about that now. It has also been known to combat depression.

Unfortunately, coffee also exacerbates bone-loss, which is why kids shouldn't drink it. Just wait until those bone plates finish developing!

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