Orange juice might be your grandma's favorite elixir for preventing the common cold, but its benefits go beyond folklore. One of citrus fruits' key components—Vitamin C—is crucial for skin health.
First, although Vitamin C is not a sunscreen, it helps reduce UV damage because of anti-oxidant behavior. Unfortunately, UV light reduces the amount of vitamin C in the skin, which means that it's even more important to incorporate it into both your diet and skincare regimen.
Second, Vitamin C has also been shown to improve wound healing because of its effects on collagen production. Not only can you hope for a speedy paper-cut recovery, increased vitamin C absorption may also mean rapidly disappearing pimples. (It has also been shown to reduce pigmentation changes due to acne scarring.)
Finally—and perhaps most importantly with autumn around the corner—vitamin C promotes skin moisture by slowing "trans-epidermal water loss." Although we would still encourage the use of a good moisturizer (like HYDRATE!), a hearty does of Vitamin C might mean the difference between a soft and supple face and an oil slick.
Get your daily dose from citrus fruits, cherries, strawberries, and kiwi.
Great post :) new I drank orange juice for a reason haha x